Evolution of thought

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Collectible books for sale
Inadeguato book cover

The poetry that Andrea Meli contains in this anthology is more than simple tell about verses. It is a journey into a life that flows and that yes confronts a modernity that can sometimes be unsettling, that overflows from the dam of the past to try to find a key to understanding the world…

Ruvido Ampelio book

The most beautiful book in the world in a guise of gold and sandpaper collects three stories of the Parma artist for a sophisticated and profound search for the self…

The gift of Eldoria book cover

Prepare to embark on an enchanting journey to the realm of Eldoria, where magic and imagination intertwine in each of the captivating stories woven by Andrea Ampelio Meli. This limited edition book, published by Fondation J-O Basel, is nothing short of a collector's dream, with only 1000 copies available worldwide…

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